Momcilo Jankovic
University of Milan
Momcilo Jankovic has completed his Specializations in: Pediatrics and Hematology (1981) and Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (1989) at the School of Medicine - University of Milan. Since 1982 he is Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at the Department of Pediatrics of the University of Milan, Hospital S.Gerardo, Monza. Since 1994 he is Director of the General Paediatric and Haematological Outpatient Clinic in the same Department. Responsibilities: leukemias, thalassemias, platelets disorders, bone marrow transplantation Research: CNS sequelae in leukemic children; Cooperative studies with the Italian Association of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (AIEOP) and European Countries. He has published more than 300 papers in reputed journals.
Research Interest
Leukemias, Thalassemias, Platelets disorders, Bone marrow transplantation